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Applications are invited for the contractual appointment of 231 Assistant Engineers on the basis of GATE score at the link Click Here . Candidates are requested to submit Application from 14.01.2025 to 03.02.2025 using the aforesaid link.
Search ByDate(dd-mmm-yyyy)/LetterNo/AllotmentGroup/HeadName:

SL.No.DateLetter NoAllotment GroupHead NameParticulars
1 14-Jan-2025 128 SCHEMES MMGSY List of Authorized Signatories for operation of A/C No-36839309441 of BRRDA, Patna for MMGSY(Gen) | Letter No-128
2 14-Jan-2025 126 SCHEMES MMGSY List of Authorized Signatories for operation of A/C No-36840341277 of BRRDA, Patna for MMGSY(SC) | Letter No-126
3 14-Jan-2025 129 SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of fund under MMGSY(Gen) through CFMS | Letter No-129
4 14-Jan-2025 127 SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of fund under MMGSY(SC) through CFMS | Letter No-127
5 08-Jan-2025 5649 ESTABLISHMENT P-2515 Allotment for payment of Arbitration fee and Administrative expenses fee |Letter No-5649
6 03-Jan-2025 124 SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of fund under MMGSY (NDB-BRICS) through CFMS | Letter No-124
7 03-Jan-2025 01 SCHEMES MMGSUY List of Authorized Signatories for operation of A/C No-50100761260808 (Secretary BRRDA, MMGSUY General, Scheme for Special Assistance) of BRRDA, Patna | Letter No-01
8 02-Jan-2025 5651 ESTABLISHMENT P-2515 Allotment for payment of remuneration of employees on contract | Letter No-5651
9 02-Jan-2025 5649 ESTABLISHMENT P-2515 Allotment for payment of Arbitration fee and Administrative expense fee | Letter No-5649
10 02-Jan-2025 5655 ESTABLISHMENT P-2515 Allotment for payment of office on rent | Letter No-5655
11 02-Jan-2025 5654 ESTABLISHMENT P-2515 Allotment for payment of office on rent | Letter No-5654
12 02-Jan-2025 5653 ESTABLISHMENT P-2515 Allotment of payment of office on rent | Letter No-5653
13 30-Dec-2024 123 SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of fund under MMGSY (NDB-BRICS) through CFMS | Letter No-123
14 30-Dec-2024 122 SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of fund under MMGSY (AWSESH) (NDB) through CFMS | Letter No-122
15 24-Dec-2024 101 SCHEMES State Scheme Allotment of fund under NABARD to Level-1 PL office of BRRDA (PIUs) through CFMS | Letter No-101
16 20-Dec-2024 121 SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of fund under MMGSY (SC) through CFMS | Letter No-121
17 20-Dec-2024 120 SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of fund under MMGSY (Gen) through CFMS | Letter No-120
18 17-Dec-2024 118 SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of fund under MMGSY (NDB-BRICS) through CFMS | Letter No-118
19 17-Dec-2024 119 SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of fund under MMGSY (AWSESH) (NDB) through CFMS | Letter No-119
20 17-Dec-2024 100 SCHEMES State Scheme Allotment of fund under NABARD to Level-1 PL Office of BRRDA (PIUs) through CFMS | Letter No-100

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